- Everything you need to know about hiring a content marketer Here’s why hiring a content marketer is so hard: For content marketing to be effective for a company, a content marketer needs to get a lot of things right. They need to be able to produce articles on topics that will attract your target customer, they need to be able to drive the right traffic to […]
- Positioning Is the Part of “Product Market Fit” You’re Likely Ignoring This article is not about content marketing. It’s about a key learning we’ve acquired after years of doing marketing: If your positioning is wrong, your marketing will fail. …including content marketing. And if your marketing fails, you’ll fail in general, because you won’t have a repeatable, scalable acquisition channel. We’ve learned this lesson time and […]
- Conducting User Research to Grow A Business: Our Method and Questions I can almost guarantee that you don’t know your customer as well as you think you do. I’ve spent a lot of time talking with marketers and business owners recently. When I ask them if they know their customer, they typically say “of course we do, I mean we’re selling our products (or services), how could […]
- How We Built a Unique Content Strategy for 4 of Our Clients We share how we created a content strategy to match the goals of four of our clients.
- Reflecting on 2017: from a “Business” That Made No Money to a Real One It’s amazing how much you can accomplish in the span of a year. We started off last year with this site — except it made no money. Yes, we had tested a few ideas that brought in trickles of revenue, but we didn’t have a business model that could support either Devesh or me full-time. […]
- How We Do Influencer Outreach and Get a 60% Response Rate From Devesh: We’ve written previously about how using subject matter experts is essential to producing high-quality blog articles. Why? Because unless your customers are truly beginners on a topic, it’s unrealistic to expect a writer, freelancer, or even a marketer to do Google research for a couple of hours and produce a piece that is […]
- Reddit Hates Blatant Marketing: Here’s How You Can Still Get Thousands of Visitors from Reddit Reddit has a huge and active user base — which makes it ideal for Grow and Convert’s community content promotion technique. Yet… most marketers are afraid of Reddit. Despite its huge traffic potential, marketers stay away. They rationalize with excuses: “They’re going to roast me and I’ll get banned” “The traffic quality must suck” “Redditors aren’t […]
- How We Earned Press Coverage from a High DA Publication in the First Week In the first week of being published, this post: “How Much Developers Cost in Different Countries”, received over 1.6k unique page views. That’s not bad for 1 week, but the cherry on top came at the end of the week, when it was covered here by Small Biz Trends, which resulted in over 247 social shares […]
- Customer-Content Fit: A Framework for Producing Content That Attracts Customers Many companies write for the wrong audience without knowing it. We share our process for doing customer research to hone in on who to write for.
- Patrick Campbell Founder of ProfitWell Shares Why He Chose Scale over Lifestyle When Patrick Campbell started his business, ProfitWell, in 2014, he made an interesting decision. With their primary product Price Intelligently easily doing half a million dollars, he made the conscious decision to pay himself just $50,000 while living in Boston. If that sounds insane to you, just wait. When you’re starting a business, at some point you’ll […]